Sofia's drawing
First prize for the best play and music at Haifa International Theatre Festival 2007

The play is based on a series of drawings made by Sofia, a 16 year old girl; Sofia made these drawings in Holland while she was hiding from the Nazis during the war. By making use of the drawings through various visual techniques, the play tells Sofia ’s life story during that period.
Most of the Sofia's drawings were drawings from fairy tales, this tales help Sofia to find a different reality far from the war. We show the pictures and we play with the fairy tales giving them a new spirit having to do with Sofia’s reality
Sofia was the daughter of Clara Asscher-Pinkhof, a known children’s author. and his father was the chief rabbi of Groningem
Sofia , in time, became a painter.
Efrat Hadany, an actress, puppeteer and sculptress, and Sofia ’s daughter, acts in the play and relates her mother’s story.
The play, a result of meetings between Efrat Hadany and Pablo Ariel, the director and an actor in the play uses a special language and allows a meeting of three generations of creative women.
The play, which is mainly visual and hardly uses any words, is accompanied by a translation into various languages. The play is intended for adults.
The play combines actors, a puppet theatre, black theatre as well as the making of a video in front of the audience.
From the judges argumentation:
"The play " Sofia 's Drawings" is a fine and sophisticated weaving of many stage elements which are combined to tell one story. It is blessed with an unusual wealth of ways of expression which defy the limitations of the theatre language and the theatrical experience. It is clear that its creators approach their task with complete candidness telling a
personal, meaningful and interesting story and succeeding to turn it into ameaningful and touching story for the young as well as for young adults".
Grand Theater Groningen, Brakke Grond, and Jewish Museum, Amsterdam, Holland tour
Revolution Theater festival, Albuquerque, US
IPAY conference, Austin, US
Chicago Humanities Festival, U.S
Bristol Jewish theatre festival U.S
The Haifa international Theatre festival -Israel
The Jerusalem International Puppet festival- Israel
The Chihuahua International festival – Mexico